If you ever tried to get your family’s certificates from abroad, from a Public Administration in Italy, then you probably already know how difficult it can be! Unanswered phone calls, officers who can’t speak English well or very little, making communication virtually impossible and usually quite busy to reply to your emails (Even certified emails or PECs, Posta Elettronica Certificata).

As a matter of fact, officers are not required by Italian law to conduct genealogy research in the archives. So, if you do not have an exact date (for example, the birth date of your grandfather), they won’t probably search for the certificate you need and most of the time, they won’t even answer your emails.

That’s why we strongly recommend you hire a local expert in the area( we have genealogists working with us all over Italy) . They will contact the registry office or parish in your ancestors’ towns or villages, they will visit the registry office or parish where your certificates are, do the research for you and manage the entire process with the officers.

You will skip the inconveniences and misunderstandings for not speaking Italian and also the cultural difference which causes so many problems with local administrations, particularly in small rural and mountain villages where the locals far from speaking English, most of the time they only speak their local dialect.

What do I need to apply for Italian Citizenship?

Provide the information you have about your ancestors and we will get back to you with a research plan and a quote to move forward with your request of Italian Citizenship. (see list below).
How long it will take to get certificates from Italy?

We know that time can be crucial for your plans. Normally it takes around 4-5 weeks/one month or more to get your documents to apply for Italian Citizenship. In any case, due to pandemic as well, please remember that dealing with bureaucracy in Italy could take even more time expecially in rural areas.

How much does it cost to get certificates ?

After we receive your request and family info, we will prepare a research plan and a quote to get the documents required for your application.
Important:  the more accurate is the info you provide about your family, the more effective (and cheap) will be the genealogy research.

What do I need to start the process for my Italian Citizenship?

To ask for a quote, please, send us an email to: with the following information:

  • The documents you need
  • All the info you have about your italian ancestors, even the most apparently insignificant.
  • Your ancestor(s) full name(s),
  • His/her birthplace (or the province or region if you are not sure of the exact village)
  • His/her birthdate (or birth year or a range of years)

More info on how to get Italian Citizenship here