Discovering the Wonders of the Past: A Journey Through the Reggio Calabria Museum (MARC)

Kouros di Reggio Calabria

Visitreggiocalabria T.O., Jan. 4, 2023

The Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Reggio Calabria (MARC) in the city of Reggio Calabria is a cultural beacon, celebrated for its rich collection of artifacts from the Magna Graecia era. In this post, we highlight its architectural marvel that seamlessly blends modern design with historical essence.

The renowned Bronzi di Riace, magnificent bronze statues from the 5th century BC, are featured as masterpieces of Greek art, discovered in 1972 in the Ionian Sea.

The MARC’s extensive collection offers a walk through ancient history, showcasing artifacts that narrate the region’s rich tapestry from prehistoric times to Roman conquest. The museum goes beyond being a repository, serving as a dynamic educational space with interactive exhibits and programs, inviting visitors of all ages to engage with history.

The Reggio Calabria Museum is portrayed as a gateway to southern Italy’s cultural legacy, offering a unique journey through time that transcends the mere housing of ancient objects. Whether marveling at the Bronzi di Riace, exploring artifacts, or participating in workshops, MARC promises an unforgettable experience, making it a must-visit destination in the region.